Flores Lake - Lake Three Colors on the island of Flores, East Nusa TenggaraThis trip visited Lake Flores - Lake Three Colors in flores island, East Nusa Tenggara province. This trip takes about 3 days, this is my brief trip to the flores.Lake in three colors - Kalimutu Lake is one of the wonders of nature that is very unique. Each - each lake has its own color different and unique color of the lake water is changing.At the time Flores began to be known by the public, the lake is the color red, blue and white, then experienced berubahan from time to time. According to information from the National Park Flores that the lake is already experiencing 12 times berubahan colors in 25 years this time.Of course not only the three colors of the lake, I also visit other attractions such as beaches waiara in Maumere, Ledlero the meseum in many stores peninggal pre-history and history of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, and in general.I also visited the village of Sikka, a village located about 15 km from the city mamure. This village is a handicraft center loom "Tie" or Maumere, Sikka district.On the way to visit the village of Lake Kelimutu tertional Lio tribe with ancestral lands houses still tradtional denagn roof ialalang. I also enjoy the natural scenery beautiful island of Flores - a beautiful and amazing.Initiate cultural tourism in West Sumba Marapu earth you will get people who inhabit the traditional settlements surrounded by stone fences are arranged neatly on the hilltops. This phenomenon is closely related to the life of ancient society characterized by inter-tribal conflict.Travel through traditional villages, you will see the splendor of megalithic stone graves. Marapu Trust believed that the house and the grave stone is a symbol of life and death. Location traditional villages can be found in all districts.FESTIVAL CULTUREFestival is one of the cultural rituals of the community pride of West Sumba.At the time of execution Festival, the two opposing camps in customary manner with a horse who was running hard and throwing opponents chasing with a stick / spear. His success was marked with a drop of blood from your opponent's body. If there is an accident in those games then no sanctions. Festival held strictly once a year in the month of February begins with Kodi, Lamboya, Gaura and then ended in Wanokaka in March.Wulla PoduWulla are also called Podu Pemali Moon is a cultural ritual that sangaat mysterious, unique, and interesting. Wulla Podu ritual held in strict and sacred during the month of November every year beginning from the tabernacle in the village called Tarung Rowa Uma Uma Kalada. Implementation Wulla Podu ditandaai also with the restrictions should not mourn the dead, should not be sounding noises and not be a party. At the peak of the ritual organization of the mark Wulla Podu also with art attractions digelarnya and various folk games. Location Wulla implementation in the village of Podu Tarung located in the middle of town and village of Bondo Waikabubak Maroto approximately 30 minutes north towards the town Waikabubak.Bijalungu HiupaanaBijalungu Hiupaana the name of a natural cave located in the Village Taramanu, Sub Wanokaka about 18 km from the city of Waikabubak. Every year, precisely in January at the event was held Bijalungu Hiupaana Marapu of sacred ceremony which is intended as an expression of gratitude to God, self pemurnianan, predicted that the harvest is coming and to prepare for agricultural equipment. The ceremony is in celebration with food and beverages offered in the form of hewaan water buffalo, pigs, and chickens as he sang songs, dances and magical sentences Marapu.Taliang Marapu PurungaMarapu Purunga Taliang is nuanced cultural ritual sacred. Cultural ritual was held once a year in the form of prayer and offerings to the gods Marapu. This ritual was held as an expression of gratitude as well as predicting the results of the coming harvest. In the implementation of this ceremony is also held various dances, which contains various tips nyanyaian / discourse. Practice in rural regions Umbu Pabal, Katikutana district about 38 km from the capital Waikabubak. Lasted for 4 days in the first week of October.Sumba district DanceAlmost in every district has a regional dances, among others Kataga, Woleka, Strip, Nego, Dokale, Eagle, etc.