Tourism Object Surabaya and Madura
Tourism Object Surabaya / Surabaya Tourism Object
PORT OF TANJUNG PERAKSurabaya is a seaport town. Port of Tanjung Perak now has grown into the largest international harbor east Indonesia, as an addition to cargo and passenger port, Tanjung Perak also equipped with container terminals.
PORT TIMES MASKali Mas boat harbor is located adjacent to the Port of Tanjung Perak, Surabaya. This port is a port-intensive inter-island with loading and unloading activities of goods. The main tourist attraction is the wide variety of motor yacht with all its activities.
HEROES TUGU SURABAYASurabaya is known as City of Heroes, the Surabayalah Arek-arek Suroboyo valiantly fought against the Dutch colonial British soldiers riding in the Year 1945 when we fight for Indonesian independence. To commemorate the struggle that was then established Tugu Pahlawan. Square monument with a height of 10 to 45 yards in 11 keratan divided this means that 10 to 45 November is now commemorated as the day hero. Tugu Pahlawan has now completed a diorama of the struggle Arek-arek Suroboyo in defending Mother Earth from invaders attack.
BUILDING GrahadiState Building Surabaya Grahadi Dutch colonial period was the residence of Dutch Governors. Now used as a place of ceremony and officially state.
MPU Museum TantularMuseum Mpu Tantular Surabaya has a collection of heritage objects Majapahit, porcelain from China. Wayang Kulit and the variety of historical objects other.
Surabaya ZooOpposite the Museum located Tantular Mpu Surabaya Zoo which is the most complete collection zoo as Southeast Asia. No less than 500 animals can be found here. Most delighted tourists dragon animal that was one of the zoo's collection.
MANDARIN ORIENTAL HOTEL MAJAPAHITHotels in the city of Surabaya became a tourist destination because of asset's historical background struggle Arek-arek Suroboyo physically defend the revolution period of Surabaya from Dutch occupation in 1945. Heroic Paristiwa peak occurs when Arek-arek Suroboyo ripped blue Dutch flags flown back here and raise the flag with red and white. From the beginning this hotel has been changing the name, the name of the LMS-Oranje [Age Dutch]. Yamato [Japan Times] and the last to Mojopahit this hotel.
SUBMARINE Monument [Monkasel]This monument is the original intention Pasopati KRI 410, One military submarines from the Navy Fleet Submarine Force Eastern Indonesia. Th Russian-built ships. This includes 1952 SS type Whiskey class type. Pasopati Submarine credited at the time of the liberation war of West Irian into Indonesia kewilayah.Monkasel equipped with video facilities rama which tells the history of struggle of the Navy and the Republic of Indonesia to the IBI baktunya darma Earth. Media Audio Visual will be expected to inspire and cultivate the spirit of struggle for us all. This location is also equipped with tourist facilities along the water some times Mas. Puspitaloka Swarga Park is ideal for tour with family on a holiday.pariwisata
PRISMA TOURS & TRAVEL yang terletakdi jln Keputih Timur No5 Surabaya hadir menyuguhkan pelayanan terbaik sesuai dengan fasilitas dan kemampuan dalam bidang wisata
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
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